AMMAN — The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) concluded on Saturday the project of distribution of clothes, during Eid holiday, for the Jordanian chaste-wise families as well as Palestinian and Syrian refugees, in collaboration with the Hashemite Jordanian Charitable Authority.
The number of beneficiaries of the project was 12,530, who received buying coupons acceptable in the local market.
Arsal Center continues
to serve Syrian refugees
In Arsal, the Arsal Medical Center in Lebanon’s Bekaa governorate has continued to provide medical services to Syrian refugees and the host community in Lebanon with the support of the KSRelief.
In 2021, March, 2,595 patients visited the clinics and received 4,574 free health services across specialized departments, in addition to receiving help from laboratory, pharmacy and nursing services.
General health clinics received 594 patients, eye clinics had 129 patients, dental clinics 117 patients, pediatric clinics saw 245 patients, with 19 vaccinations provided.
This comes from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's keenness, represented by KSRelief, to provide relief aid to Syrian refugees in all fields to alleviate their suffering due to the humanitarian crisis they are going through.
Prosthetics Center in Aden
continues to provide services
In Aden, the prosthetics center in Yemen’s Aden governorate has continued to provide medical services and prosthetic limbs to Yemenis, with the generous support from the KSRelief.
During the month of March, 2021, the center benefited 321 persons with 464 services, 49 of which were related to limb measurement benefiting 49 patients, while 26 services were provided in technical rehabilitation benefiting 20 persons.
This comes within the framework of the various health projects being carried out by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia represented by the KSRelief for all Yemenis across all governorates without discrimination.
Taiz Prosthetics Center
provides 1,410 services
In Taiz, the prosthetics center in Yemen’s Taiz governorate has continued to provide medical services and prosthetic limbs to Yemenis, with the support from the KSRelief.
During the month of March, 2021, the center benefited 814 persons with 1,410 services. This is one of the Center's humanitarian project that has a sustainable impact in helping many people to compensate the one they lost. — SPA