Political solution only solution to Syrian crisis, Prince Faisal reiterates Saudi Arabia’s position

June 29, 2021

Saudi Gazette report

ROME — Foreign Minister Prince Faisal Bin Farhan reiterated on Monday Saudi Arabia’s position that a political solution is the only solution to the Syrian crisis in accordance with UN resolutions.

Participating in the ministerial meeting here on Monday to discuss the Syrian crisis, Prince Faisal stressed the importance of international consensus to stop the human suffering of the Syrians and to ensure the flow of international aid to those who deserve it by providing a solution to the border crossings crisis.

At the outset of his speech during the meeting hosted jointly by Italy and the United States, the Saudi foreign minister thanked his Italian and the American counterparts for inviting him to attend the important meeting, which seeks to an end to the suffering of the Syrian people for more than 10 years.

He called for not politicizing the humanitarian crisis in Syria, urging all not to neglecting the humanitarian needs of the Syrian people as it provides a suitable environment for the growth and spread of terrorist organizations and extremist ideology.

“The absence of an effective international will to solve the Syrian crisis provided an opportunity for some parties to implement their expansionist, sectarian and demographic projects aimed at changing Syria's identity, and helped them prolong the Syrian crisis and its regional and international consequences,” the Saudi foreign minister remarked.

At the end of his speech, he underlined the importance of uniting efforts to resume the negotiation process, supporting the efforts of the United Nations in this regard, and providing all aspects of support required to make his mission successful.

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