RIYADH — The National Transport and Logistics Strategy, an affiliate of the Ministry of Transport and Logistics Services, is planning to reach the sixth place globally in road quality by 2030 to contribute to enhancing the quality of life in cities by providing safe and high-quality roads, it was reported Sunday.
In 2016, the Kingdom reached the 37th place, in 2018 advanced to the 30th place globally, and also continued its progress in 2019, as it ranked 26th globally, which confirms the accelerated steps to upgrade the road network of the Kingdom, the first in the world in terms of interconnection, according to the Global Competitiveness Forum.
The ministry implemented a number of safety initiatives that contributed to reducing the accident rate to 56%, the number of deaths by 51% and the total injuries by 30%, which contributed to providing a financial return to the community of SR8.5 billion. — SPA