ROME — Italy is planning to be the first European country to make COVID-19 health passes mandatory for all workers.
The Italian government has presented a draft proposal that, from October, digital vaccine certificates will be compulsory for both public and private sectors.
The move aims to improve vaccine uptake and reduce the infection rate amid a potential surge in COVID-19 cases this winter.
All employees will be required to prove that they have been vaccinated against COVID-19, are recovering from the infection, or have recently tested negative for the virus.
"The government is ready to speed up the introduction of the health pass," Regional Affairs Minister Mariastella Gelmini told Radio Rai.
"We are moving towards making the health pass compulsory not only in the public sector but also in the private sector."
Only pensioners and unemployed citizens will reportedly be exempt from carrying a "green pass". The new decree is set to be approved by the Italian government on Thursday.
Currently, almost 75% of Italy's population over the age of 12 have received at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine.
"The vaccine is the only weapon we have against COVID and we can only contain infections by vaccinating the large majority of the population," said Gelmini.
This week, Greece began testing unvaccinated workers in both public and private sectors. Meanwhile, France has made vaccines compulsory for all healthcare workers.
Several other European countries have also made COVID-19 health passes mandatory in public venues such as restaurants, bars, museums, cinemas, and theatres.
Italy already made the 'green pass' mandatory for teachers and other public sector workers this month, while healthcare workers have required a vaccine since April.
The move saw opposition protests, with critics arguing that "green passes" trample on freedoms.
But according to reports, Italy also does not plan to dismiss employees who refuse to carry a "green pass". Instead, those non-vaccinated could be fined up to €1,000, before they are suspended from work after five days. — Euronews