
Brotherhood… embers in the ashes

October 14, 2021
Brotherhood… embers in the ashes

Jameel Altheyabi

It seems that the world would soon have a day when it witnesses the disintegration of the Muslim Brotherhood outfit, which was founded by the Egyptian Hassan Al-Banna in 1928. And then the region and the world will heave a sigh of relief after decades of intellectual and ideological pollution left behind by the terrorist organization.

As an aftermath of the successive and painful strikes suffered by it in a number of Arab countries, the group has found the doors “locked”, and there is no longer a place in the world that welcomes its criminal members who fled the scene to escape from punishments and judicial verdicts. And even Istanbul, which once embraced it, is now seeking to uproot and be rid of them, either by expulsion and deportation, or extradition of its members who are wanted by their countries.

The battle continues against this group whom the Egyptian people succeeded in uprooting one year after assumption of power by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and this is after the Egyptians overthrew the Brotherhood through a massive popular revolution.

Thus, the Brotherhood failed to develop its discourse in line with its political, social, and security needs, despite the organization’s apparent willingness to make concessions in its core ideology for short-term tactical political victories. However, governments and peoples exposed the Brotherhood’s capricious and inciting behavior, and its inability to adapt to the political and popular situations.

What is remarkable about the march of the bloody organization was that the Arab peoples articulated it through their revolutions, as happened in Egypt in 2013, Sudan in 2019, and Tunisia in 2020. The people’s will also reflected through ballot boxes as happened recently in Morocco, when the legislative and municipal elections in 2021 overthrew the Brotherhood’s Justice and Development Party from heading the government and major municipalities in a blow that observers described as “fatal.”

Although the Brotherhood of Sudan, Tunisia and Morocco got chances to remain in power for a longer period of time, the hitherto experiences there proved that they are a corrupt group with an unsustainable “Fascist” political scheme.

After the collapse of their rule in Egypt, Sudan and Tunisia, Morocco announced the demise of the group’s authority and the demolition of its fortresses. Hence, it is not surprising that the Brotherhood collapsed in Tunisia and Morocco in the year 2021, though it had been delayed for many years.

This was after their experiences in governance exposed their involvement in spreading chaos, devastation, assassinations, disruption of state institutions, dependence on foreign agendas, and tampering with peoples’ capabilities and gains.

The tails of the Brotherhood such as Hamas and other such groups started facing their fate, as Khartoum confiscated the assets of the Palestinian Brotherhood movement, which constituted an important resource for its activities during the period of President Omar Al-Bashir, who was overthrown following a popular revolution.

It is certain that the international Brotherhood organization has become besieged, and is breathing its last breath. There has been a surge in its persecutions in Europe as well, but this is not enough. Rather, the international community must not tolerate this group and other terrorist organizations such as the Lebanese Hezbollah as they are trying to reposition themselves with new faces and names.

The embers are still under the ashes and hence greater measures are required to prevent the recurrence of these terrorist agendas. It is also essential to expose the practices of those who finance and harbor them in addition to identify their evil ideas so as to curb the Brotherhood and its ilk.

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