Saudi Arabia is keen to combat cross-border crimes, says Attorney General

November 09, 2021
Attorney General Sheikh Saud Bin Abdullah Al-Muajab, praised the role of the agencies on Tuesday before the Conference on the Role of Public Prosecution and Public Prosecution Agencies in Combating Crime in Cairo.
Attorney General Sheikh Saud Bin Abdullah Al-Muajab, praised the role of the agencies on Tuesday before the Conference on the Role of Public Prosecution and Public Prosecution Agencies in Combating Crime in Cairo.

CAIRO — The Attorney General Sheikh Saud Bin Abdullah Al-Muajab, praised, in a speech delivered Tuesday before the Conference on the Role of Public Prosecution and Public Prosecution Agencies in Combating Crime in Cairo, the role of these agencies in combating cross-border crimes.

The conference comes within the system of complementary work and international cooperation in combating these crimes.

He shed light on judicial development witnessed by Saudi Arabia, which is a result of Kingdom's Vision 2030 that has supported all judicial and security to achieve judicial efficiency and the regular governance of all Saudi laws and regulations. — SPA

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