OIC, Arab countries condemn cowardly Houthi attack on Riyadh refinery

March 11, 2022
OIC Secretary-General Hussein Ibrahim Taha
OIC Secretary-General Hussein Ibrahim Taha

JEDDAH — The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has deplored in the strongest words the cowardly attack by a drone that targeted an oil refinery in Riyadh and reiterated its strong condemnation of the repeated hostilities against civilian facilities in Saudi Arabia.

The refinery in the Saudi capital came under drone attack on Thursday morning, causing a small fire. The Iran-backed Houthi militia in Yemen claimed the attack.

Petroleum supplies were not affected by the attack at 4.40 am local time. The fire was controlled and did not result in any injuries or casualties, Saudi state news agency SPA reported.

“The refinery's operations and supplies of petroleum and its derivatives were not affected,” an Energy Ministry spokesman said.

OIC Secretary-General Hussein Ibrahim Taha strongly condemned this criminal act of sabotage, in violation of international laws and norms. He stressed the organization’s support and solidarity with the Kingdom for all measures it takes to protect its territories and facilities.

The Council of Arab Interior Ministers has denounced the terrorist attack perpetrated by the Houthi militia.

The Council, in a statement issued from its headquarters in Tunis, expressed its complete condemnation of the cowardly criminal act, as another evidence of the Houthi terrorist militia’s endeavor to undermine security and stability in the region, which does not target vital facilities in Saudi Arabia only, but also targets the flow of global energy supplies.

The Council reiterated its full solidarity with the Kingdom in face of these terrorist attacks, and its absolute support in confronting terrorism and confronting external schemes aimed at undermining its security and stability, and supporting Saudi Arabia in all the measures it takes to preserve its security and the safety of its facilities, citizens and residents on its lands.

In Cairo, the Arab Parliament strongly condemned the terrorist attack on the oil refinery in Riyadh.

The Arab Parliament stressed in a statement that this cowardly attack — which was repeatedly committed against vital installations in different regions of Saudi Arabia — does not target the Kingdom alone, but rather an escalation aimed more broadly at destabilizing the security and stability of energy supplies in the world, and negatively affecting the global economy.

The Arab Parliament renewed its call to the international community to stand against these sabotage and terrorist attacks, stressing its full solidarity with the Kingdom in all the measures it takes to preserve its security, stability and territorial integrity.

In Amman, the Jordanian government condemned the attack on the oil refinery in Riyadh, as well as the terrorist Houthi militia’s attempt to target Jazan, Saudi Arabia with a booby-trapped drone, which was intercepted by the Saudi air defenses.

The Jordanian Foreign Ministry’s official spokesman, Ambassador Haitham Abu Al-Ful, reiterated Jordan's strong condemnation and denunciation of these cowardly terrorist attacks against civilian facilities, stressing his country's solidarity and its absolute support for Saudi Arabia against everything that threatens its security and the security of its people.

Bahrain, Egypt and the UAE, among other countries, also condemned the attack and voiced full solidarity with Saudi Arabia, backing all the measures it takes to preserve its security, stability and territorial integrity. — SPA

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