MHRSD enables citizens, residents to obtain permits for working in holy sites of Hajj

June 04, 2022
MHRSD announced that citizens and residents who seek to work in the Hajj season within the Holy Sites could obtain a working permit of (Ajeer Al-Hajj) through the Ajeer platform.
MHRSD announced that citizens and residents who seek to work in the Hajj season within the Holy Sites could obtain a working permit of (Ajeer Al-Hajj) through the Ajeer platform.

Saudi Gazette report

RIYADH — The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD) announced that citizens and residents who seek to work in the Hajj season within the Holy Sites could obtain a working permit of (Ajeer Al-Hajj) through the Ajeer platform.

In order to cover the facilities’ manpower needs during the Hajj season, the establishments who operate during the Hajj season will be authorized through the “Ajeer Al-Hajj” service to issue permits to their workers in the Holy Sites during Hajj and to hire citizens and residents temporarily.

The MHRSD said that the "virtual labor market" of the Ajeer platform allows establishments authorized to work during the Hajj season to display their vacant job opportunities during the season.

The Ajeer platform also enables the job seeker to check the opportunities offered by the establishments during the season, and to apply to the suitable job opportunities for them.

It is noteworthy that the Ajeer platform, patronized by the MHRSD, contributes to raising the efficiency of the labor market by benefiting from the existing manpower inside Saudi Arabia as an alternative to external recruitment.

The platform also enhances flexibility and mobility with regard to workforce solutions in the Saudi market, as well as regulating temporary work and facilitating access to a workforce to cover the market needs and raise the productivity and effectiveness of the workforce in the market.

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