Premium Residency holders can check their card via Tawakkalna digital wallet

August 30, 2022
The Tawakkalna application has provided a new feature, which enables residents who hold the Premium Residency to check and view their cards via digital wallet on the app.
The Tawakkalna application has provided a new feature, which enables residents who hold the Premium Residency to check and view their cards via digital wallet on the app.

Saudi Gazette report

RIYADH — The Tawakkalna application has provided a new feature, which enables residents who hold the Premium Residency to check and view their cards via digital wallet on the app.

Tawakkalna stated that this feature will help facilitate the beneficiaries of reviewing the Premium Residency after its issuance in the Kingdom.

In order to enter the service, the app stated, that the resident must open the "Tawakkalna Services" app, then choose the digital wallet. They then will be able to view the Muqeem ID (Resident Identity) through the personal documents section.

The Ministry of Interior, in cooperation with the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA), has launched in 2021 a digital identity project for the Tawakkalna application as the government seeks to digitize identification documents.

The app enables the citizen and resident to use this feature as an official use as an electronic proof of the person's identity.

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