Saudi, Pakistan FMs review political and security situation at first Axis meeting

November 11, 2022
The two ministers chaired the meeting of the political committee in Riyadh.
The two ministers chaired the meeting of the political committee in Riyadh.

Saudi Gazette report

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan and his Pakistani counterpart Bilawal Bhutto Zardari signed on Thursday the minutes of the first meeting of the ministerial committee, "Political and Security Axis", emanating from the Saudi-Pakistan Supreme Coordination Council.

The two ministers chaired the meeting of the political committee in Riyadh. The committee dealt with a number of political and security issues, most notably strengthening of coordination on issues of concern to the two countries and achieving common interests.

They also discussed aspects of intensifying joint efforts to enhance international peace and security.

The meeting reviewed the strong Saudi-Pakistan relations and ways to support and enhance them, in addition to discussing the most prominent regional and international issues of common interest.

Later, Prince Faisal hosted an official luncheon in honor of the Pakistan delegation.

The meeting and the work of the ministerial committee were attended by Deputy Minister for Political Affairs Dr. Saud Al-Sati, and Saudi Ambassador to Pakistan Nawaf Al-Malki.

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