Al-Qasabi: Individuals and showrooms can import cars into Saudi Arabia

February 13, 2023
Minister of Commerce Majed Al-Qasabi addressing the periodic government communication press conference here on Monday.
Minister of Commerce Majed Al-Qasabi addressing the periodic government communication press conference here on Monday.

Saudi Gazette report

RIYADH — Minister of Commerce Majed Al-Qasabi said that there is no truth in reports that Saudi Arabia is restricting the import of cars only to authorized agents. “Individuals and showrooms can also import vehicles,” he said while addressing the periodic government communication press conference here on Monday.

The minister said that the repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian crisis have led to a decrease in the number of cars exported from factories to countries of the world, in addition to the challenges faced by global supply chains.

Al-Qasabi stated that although the year 2022 was difficult for many countries of the world due to the repercussions of the pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, the Kingdom has made a number of achievements at all levels, as it ranked first in the world in the index of ease of starting a business.

The minister pointed out that Saudi Arabia has also achieved the first rank in the world in providing relief and humanitarian aid, and has become a global destination for all international events. “The Kingdom has become the focus of the world’s attention, and a global destination in all political, economic, technical, cultural, and sports fields,” he said while emphasizing that “the Crown Prince has launched 21 projects and strategies, which included various entities, and the fruits of which the country and its people will reap in the near future.”

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