Cabinet praises Crown Prince’s support to technological and digital sector

February 14, 2023

RIYADH — The Cabinet, chaired by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman on Tuesday at Irqah Palace here, reviewed the top economic events that Saudi Arabia hosted last week, while praising the Crown Prince’s support to the technological and digital sector that enhanced the Kingdom’s status as a pivotal hub for technology and innovation, and the outcomes of LEAP 23 conference, during which investments exceeding $9 billion were announced, to support the future technologies and startup sectors.

The Cabinet was briefed on the content of the telephone call that Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed Bin Salman had with the president of Türkiye to express condolences over the victims of the earthquake and to stress the Kingdom’s solidarity with the Turkish people in overcoming this disaster.

It followed up on developments in the humanitarian situation caused by the earthquake, the Kingdom's efforts to mitigate its impact on the brotherly peoples of Türkiye and Syria, by participating in rescue works, and sending medical, shelter, food and logistical assistance, and launching a campaign to help those affected by this painful event, as an extension of the humanitarian role of the Kingdom, which stands with the suffering and the bereaved across the world.

In a statement to the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) following the session, Acting Minister of Media Dr. Majed Al-Qasabi said that the Cabinet reviewed the latest discussions Saudi Arabia held with several countries over the past few days, including the Crown Prince's telephone calls with the prime minister of Italy and the Crown Prince of Kuwait.

The Cabinet also considered the dispatch of two Saudi man and woman astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS) during the second quarter of 2023, proof of the country’s interest in building national capacities for manned space flights, taking advantage of promising opportunities in this sector and its industries globally, and contributing to scientific research that serves humanity in several priority areas.

It also reviewed several issues on its agenda, some co-studied by the Shoura Council, recent achievements by the Council of Economic and Development Affairs, the Council of Political and Security Affairs, the Cabinet's General Committee and the Cabinet's Bureau of Experts.

The Cabinet authorized the minister of energy to hold talks with the Senegalese side regarding a draft cooperation agreement in the energy field.

It authorized the minister of foreign affairs to hold talks with the Cypriot side regarding a draft general agreement for cooperation.

The Cabinet approved the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's accession to the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative (GDI).

It authorized the minister of culture to hold talks with the Chadian side regarding a draft memorandum of understanding in the cultural field between the Ministry of Culture of Saudi Arabia and the Ministry of Culture and Promotion of Diversity of Chad.

The Cabinet authorized the Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture (MEWA) to hold talks with the Moroccan side regarding a draft memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture of Saudi Arabia and the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development of Morocco regarding preserving the environment.

It authorized the minister of media and chairman of the Saudi Broadcasting Authority to hold talks with the Kyrgyzstani side regarding a draft memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the radio and television field between the Saudi Broadcasting Authority and the Public Broadcasting Corporation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The Cabinet apporived the accession of Saudi Arabia to the membership of the International Committee for Mining Reserves Reporting Standards Organization (CRIRSCO).

It also approved an agreement between the government of Saudi Arabia and the government of Bulgaria in the field of air transport services. It approved the organizational arrangements of the Research, Development and Innovation Development Authority and approved the organization of the Financial Academy.

The Cabinet approved the organization of King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, and also approved the organization of the Saudi Press Agency.

It approved the statute of The International Camel Organization (ICO), and authorized the minister of foreign affairs to discuss with the organization a draft agreement regarding the headquarters between the government of Saudi Arabia and the organization. — SPA

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