Saudi foreign minister meets Indian counterpart

March 03, 2023

NEW DELHI — Foreign Minister Prince Faisal Bin Farhan met on Friday the External Affairs Minister of India Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, on the sidelines of Raisina Dialogue Forum, currently ongoing in India.

According to the Saudi Press Agency (SPA), the solid historic relations binding the two countries and friendly peoples, as well as ways of enhancing and developing them in all fields were reviewed during the meeting.

The two sides also discussed aspects of bilateral coordination in several regional and international issues of mutual concern. They intensified the efforts of the two friendly countries in laying the pillars of global security and peace.

They also exchanged viewpoints on the agenda of the meeting of the G20 foreign ministers and the Raisina dialogue forum.

Prince Faisal also met Friday with Brazil Minister of Foreign Affairs Mauro Vieira, on the sidelines of Raisina Dialogue Forum.

During the meeting, the Saudi Brazilian relations and ways of enhancing and developing their countries in all fields of cooperation were reviewed.

In addition they discussing the importance of intensifying bilateral and multilateral work to serve common interests.

The two sides also exchanged viewpoints on regional and international issues and discussed enhancing economic and developmental cooperation, given the Kingdom's Vision 2030.

The meetings were attended by the Saudi Saleh Bin Eid Al-Husseini and the Director General of the Foreign Minister's office Abdulrahman Al-Dawood. — SPA

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