Al-Qasabi: Ministry will strictly monitor prices and quality of vehicle parts

April 06, 2023
Dr. Majed Al-Qasabi
Dr. Majed Al-Qasabi

Saudi Gazette report

RIYADH Minister of Commerce Dr. Majed Al-Qasabi has said that his ministry will monitor strictly the quality and prices of automobile spare parts sold in Saudi Arabia.

During a meeting with representatives of 36 car agencies in the Kingdom on Wednesday, he underlined the need to raise the satisfaction level of consumers with strict control over the quality and prices of spare parts.

Al-Qasabi urged automobile dealers in the Kingdom to play their role in providing periodic maintenance and warranty services as well as to make available the necessary spare parts to consumers.

The minister discussed with the dealers ways of ensuring the adequate supply of automobile parts and the improvement of maintenance and warranty services. He emphasized that the ministry will beef up inspection and monitoring to protect consumer rights.

The meeting came within a series of periodic meetings held by the Minister of Commerce with representatives of the private sector with the aim of identifying the challenges facing the development of private businesses and improving their services. It also aimed at reviewing performance indicators of product quality and consumer satisfaction, and addressing deficiencies in all aspects of services related to consumer rights.

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