Sponsored: A case for Tobacco Harm Reduction in Saudi Arabia

April 30, 2023

The scientific consensus recognises that most of the harm associated with smoking is caused by the smoke that is inhaled from burning of tobacco – not, as some incorrectly believe, by the nicotine.

Stemming from this proposition, Tobacco Harm Reduction is a public health strategy aimed at minimising the negative health impact of conventional cigarettes by providing adult smokers, who would otherwise continue to smoke, the opportunity to switch to an alternative source of nicotine with reduced risk potential. These alternatives include tobacco heating products (THPs) vapour products and nicotine pouches.

In its ‘Nicotine without smoke’ report, the Royal College of Physicians clearly states the benefit of enabling access to such alternative nicotine products, indicating that ‘provision of the nicotine that smokers are addicted to, without the harmful components of tobacco smoke, can prevent most of the harm from smoking’[1] . Among other credible institutions, the US Food & Drug Administration[2] and World Health Organisation[3] express a similar view, with WHO’s brief on Electronic Nicotine and Non-Nicotine Delivery Systems (EN&NNDS) highlighting there is conclusive evidence that completely substituting EN&NNDS for combustible tobacco cigarettes reduces users’ exposure to numerous toxicants and carcinogens present in combustible tobacco cigarettes.”

While the universal adoption of Tobacco Harm Reduction into regulation has yet to be achieved, countries like the UK[4], Canada[5], and New Zealand[6] are leading the way in successfully reducing the smoking incidence in their countries with a more progressive approach to these alternative nicotine product categories, which signals that progress is being made.

Misperceptions that these alternatives are as harmful as or even more harmful than cigarette smoking are perpetuated by a widespread and incorrect belief that nicotine is responsible for most of the harm caused by smoking. At the same time, there is a low awareness and lack of understanding about the scientific evidence that demonstrates the reduced risk potential of available nicotine alternatives compared to smoking. This disconnect between public perception and science is one of the key challenges facing the acceptance of Tobacco Harm Reduction.

The government in Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, has demonstrated that it understands the merits of harm reduction and has developed regulatory frameworks to allow adult smokers, who would otherwise continue to smoke, to access these alternative nicotine products. And the demand is evident, with 35%[7] adult smokers being open to making the switch to potentially reduced risk alternatives in the Kingdom, according to research produced by Kantar, the world’s leading data and insights consulting company.

By continuing to take a pragmatic approach and allowing facts and scientific evidence to lead the conversation, the local authorities have an opportunity to make a difference.

From a local perspective, it is important to note the progress KSA is making, given the increasing body of research supporting Tobacco Harm Reduction globally.

But what’s next?

Alternative nicotine products are the result of many years of technological development and research, powered by innovation. In fact, BAT is investing over £300 million annually to find innovative ways to contribute towards Tobacco Harm Reduction. However, the appropriate regulatory guardrails around these product categories are needed to encourage the switch from smoking cigarette and make tobacco harm reduction a reality in the Kingdom.

These guardrails should ensure that the taxation and regulatory frameworks for these alternative nicotine products are proportionate to their level of risk compared to conventional cigarettes. Additionally, it is imperative that the robust product standards are continuously reinforced to ensure compliance.

And what does success look like?

BAT has a clear purpose — to build A Better Tomorrow™ by reducing the health impact of its business. In the Kingdom, BAT foresees a future where Tobacco Harm Reduction becomes a widely accepted public health strategy; where momentum takes hold to incorporate it into government strategies, reducing the health impact of smoking for people across the country. A future where industry is obliged to invest, innovate, and offer the adult consumers with less risky* products, underpinned by robust science and product stewardship. A market where responsible marketing practices are the norm; with stringent measures being taken by producers to prevent youth uptake.

The evidence on Tobacco Harm Reduction for public health is clear and compelling. It would be a lost opportunity to ignore it.

*Based on the weight of evidence and assuming a complete switch from cigarette smoking. These products are not risk free and are addictive.

— This is a sponsored article by BAT.

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