
Iran executes two men convicted of blasphemy

May 08, 2023
There has been a surge in executions in Iran
There has been a surge in executions in Iran

TEHRAN — Iran has executed two men who were convicted of "burning the Qur'an" and "insulting the Prophet of Islam", the country's judiciary says. Yousef Mehrad and Sadrollah Fazeli-Zare ran dozens of social media accounts "dedicated to atheism and desecration of the sanctities", the judiciary's Mizan news agency reported. Mehdad's lawyer had insisted that he was innocent and his sentence unjust. A rights group called their executions "a cruel act by a medieval regime". There has been a surge in executions in the Islamic Republic amid continuing anti-government unrest, but those for blasphemy convictions are rare. Mizan said Yousef Mehrad and Sadrollah Fazeli-Zare were hanged at Arak Prison in central Iran on Monday morning. The two men were arrested in 2020 and accused of running a Telegram channel called "Criticism of Superstition and Religion", according to Iran's Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA). They were held in solitary confinement for the first two months and denied access to a lawyer, it said. In 2021, the Arak Criminal Court convicted Mehrad and Fazeli-Zare on blasphemy charges and sentenced them to death, HRANA added. They were also given six-year prison sentences for "running groups to act against national security". The Supreme Court rejected their appeals against the verdicts and upheld their death sentences later that year, Mizan said, adding that both men had "clearly confessed to their crimes". Human rights group say Iranian courts regularly fall far short of providing fair trials and use false "confessions" obtained under torture as evidence. On Saturday, a Swedish-Iranian dual national accused of being behind a deadly attack on a military parade in 2018 was hanged. The European Union condemned "in the strongest terms" the execution of Habib Chaab. Iran is second only to China in the number of executions carried out annually. — BBC

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