Singapore and Saudi Arabia elevate relations to strategic partnership

PM Lee extends invitation to Crown Prince

October 21, 2023
Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong extended an invitation to Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed Bin Salman to visit to Singapore at a mutually convenient date, as outlined in a joint statement following the conclusion of the bilateral talks.
Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong extended an invitation to Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed Bin Salman to visit to Singapore at a mutually convenient date, as outlined in a joint statement following the conclusion of the bilateral talks.

Saudi Gazette report

RIYADH — Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore extended an invitation to Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed Bin Salman to visit to Singapore at a mutually convenient date, as outlined in a joint statement following the conclusion of the bilateral talks.

The leaders reviewed historical ties and elevated their relations to a Strategic Partnership, emphasizing deepened cooperation across various sectors.

Acknowledging Saudi support for Singaporean pilgrims during the Hajj, Prime Minister Lee expressed his gratitude.

Singapore expressed its support for the Kingdom’s bid to host the 2034 World Cup. The Saudi-Singapore Joint Committee (SSJC) progress was lauded, with discussions on connectivity, digital economy, energy, and industry.

In the economic realm, the leaders addressed challenges in the global economy, noting a 51% growth in bilateral trade value in 2022.

They emphasized the importance of leveraging the Gulf Cooperation Council – Singapore Free Trade Agreement and intensifying collaborations in energy, digital economy, financial services, agriculture, food industries, and transport.

Energy cooperation was emphasized, focusing on security of supply and low-carbon solutions. The Energy Cooperation Roadmap, stemming from a Memorandum of Understanding, will explore clean hydrogen, carbon capture, renewable energy, and innovation.

The leaders committed to addressing climate change, supporting Saudi initiatives, and adhering to the Circular Carbon Economy approach.

Cooperation in defense and security, combating crimes, and strengthening ties in international forums were underscored.

Both nations expressed aspirations for enhanced cooperation in environment, water, agriculture, digital economy, connectivity, tourism, culture, education, health, and youth.

The two sides agreed to enhance cooperation in the defense and security fields and coordinate on issues of common interest, including combating crimes in all forms, which contributes to achieving security and stability in the two countries.

The two sides emphasized strengthening cooperation in international forums and international financial organizations to enhance efforts addressing the challenges facing global economy.

The two sides expressed their aspiration to enhance cooperation and information sharing in the areas of fintech and innovation between the Saudi Central Bank and the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

In international affairs, the two sides renewed their determination to support and intensify efforts to maintain international peace and security.

They exchanged views on issues of mutual concern in the regional and international arenas and reaffirmed their determination to enhance cooperation in combating extremism, fanaticism, hate speech and terrorism, along with promoting moderation, tolerance, and inter-faith harmony.

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