Saudi, Turkish, Pakistani tripartite committee convenes for defense cooperation talks

January 14, 2024
The second meeting of the Saudi-Turkish-Pakistani tripartite committee was held in Islamabad, Pakistan, to discuss defense cooperation and ways to enhance it.
The second meeting of the Saudi-Turkish-Pakistani tripartite committee was held in Islamabad, Pakistan, to discuss defense cooperation and ways to enhance it.

Saudi Gazette report

The second meeting of the Saudi-Turkish-Pakistani tripartite committee was held in Islamabad, Pakistan, to discuss defense cooperation and ways to enhance it.

The meeting was attended by Saudi Assistant Minister of Defense Eng. Talal Al-Otaibi, Chief of General Staff of the Pakistani Army Gen. Muhammad Owais, and Turkish Deputy Minister of Defense Jalal Sami Tawfik.

The meeting explored the road map for joint cooperation in the field of defense capabilities, technology transfer and localization, and the development of scientific research.

Additionally, the Saudi-Pakistani working teams held their third meeting, chaired by Al-Otaibi.

Al-Otaibi also met with the Commander of the Pakistani Army Gen. Asim Munir, in the presence of Gen. Muhammad Owais.

He also met with the Chief of Joint Staff First Gen. Sahir Shamshad, and specialists from the Pakistani side.

The meetings addressed updates in defense cooperation, defense capabilities, qualitative scientific research, and the transfer and localization of technology.

The second meeting of the Saudi-Turkish-Pakistani tripartite committee and the third meeting of the Saudi-Pakistani working teams were attended by a number of specialists from the Ministry of Defense, the General Authority for Military Industries, and the General Authority for Defense Development.

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