Saudi ministries partner with Arizona State University for new educational institutions in Riyadh

March 03, 2024
The Ministries of Education and Investment have entered into a strategic partnership with Arizona State University and Cintana Education Company, marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the Human Capability Initiative (HCI) conference.
The Ministries of Education and Investment have entered into a strategic partnership with Arizona State University and Cintana Education Company, marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the Human Capability Initiative (HCI) conference.

Saudi Gazette report

The Saudi Ministries of Education and Investment have entered into a strategic partnership with Arizona State University and Cintana Education Company, marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the Human Capability Initiative (HCI) conference.

This collaboration aims to establish a new university and an affiliated school in Riyadh, offering internationally recognized education standards.

The MoU sets a foundation for the development of these institutions, focusing on delivering high-quality education, fostering research, and introducing innovative programs.

These efforts are designed to contribute to the Kingdom's economic success and shape future generations.

The programs will be tailored to meet Riyadh's growing demand for international education, in line with Saudi Vision 2030's priorities.

They will feature specializations in critical fields such as science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), economics, and include the training of educational staff.

The launch of the new university and school is anticipated following the completion of necessary studies by the MoU's signatories, marking a significant step towards enhancing the educational landscape in Saudi Arabia.

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