Saudi minister of industry visits a number of companies and factories in Dutch cities

May 30, 2024

Saudi Gazette report

— Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources Bandar AlKhorayef visited industries in several Dutch cities, including Amsterdam, on Monday, aiming to boost cooperation in industrial and mining sectors between Saudi Arabia and the Netherlands across various industrial activities.

At the outset of the visit, AlKhorayef met with Dutch Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Liesje Schreinemacher to encourage mutual investments to achieve sustainable economic interests between the two sides.

He also visited the Dutch port of Rotterdam, and discussed with officials the logistical role that Saudi Arabia plays as a strategic supplier of critical minerals.

AlKhorayef toured Philips Medical Devices factory in Eindhoven and met with the Chief of International Markets at Philips to discuss areas of cooperation to localize the manufacturing of medical devices in Saudi Arabia.

The minister also visited Friesland Campina Innovation Center in Wageningen, and discussed plans to establish a regional dairy production and export hub in Saudi Arabia.

He also toured Upfield’s Food Science and met with the company’s CEO and executive leadership team to discuss opportunities for Upfield to establish a plant-based food production hub in Saudi Arabia.

The volume of Saudi Arabia's non-oil exports to the Netherlands reached approximately SR2.65 billion in 2023, while the volume of Saudi Arabia’s non-oil imports from the Netherlands reached SR8.48 billion in the same period.

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