Hajj pilgrims advised on safe practices for stoning

June 15, 2024

Saudi Gazette report

As pilgrims gather in the vast expanse of Mina to partake in the stoning of the Jamarat, a ritual embedded in the Hajj pilgrimage, the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has outlined essential guidelines to ensure the safety and spiritual integrity of this solemn act.

In an effort to preserve the sanctity and order of the ritual, the Ministry has issued specific instructions, urging pilgrims to refrain from climbing the surrounding mountains to collect pebbles. This measure not only protects the natural landscape but also ensures the safety of the pilgrims from potential hazards associated with loose rocks and steep terrains.

The Ministry has detailed the procedure for the stoning ritual, specifying that pilgrims should throw seven pebbles at the Jamrah Al-Aqaba (the Large Jamrah) on the Day of Eid, and seven pebbles each at all three Jamarahs during the days of Tashreeq.

Emphasizing simplicity, it stated, "The pebbles shall be small and their size is not required to match each other." This guideline helps streamline the process and prevents the use of overly large stones that could inadvertently harm others.

Aware of the dense crowds that converge at the Jamarat, the Ministry also highlighted the importance of avoiding overcrowding and the risk of stampedes.

Pilgrims are advised to adhere strictly to the grouping schedule allocated to them, which is designed to manage the flow of the masses and ensure that all have the opportunity to perform the ritual without undue delay or disruption.

Moreover, the importance of maintaining smooth pedestrian traffic cannot be overstated. Pilgrims are encouraged to follow the designated paths and avoid any actions that might obstruct movement, ensuring a harmonious progression for all participants through the ritual spaces.

These guidelines not only aim to facilitate a disciplined and peaceful execution of the stoning but also reflect the Ministry's commitment to upholding the welfare and spiritual focus of the pilgrims. By following these directives, pilgrims can contribute to a collective experience that honors the profound significance of the Hajj and the sacred rites that define it.

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