Minister of Interior reviews Hajj security plans in Mina

June 15, 2024

Saudi Gazette report

Minister of Interior and Chairman of the Supreme Hajj Committee Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Naif visited the Hajj Security Command and Control Center at the Directorate of Public Security headquarters in Mina on Friday.

During his visit to the center's operations room, Prince Abdulaziz reviewed the implementation of Hajj security plans, the transportation of pilgrims to the holy sites, and their movement to Arafat.

Prince Abdulaziz received a detailed briefing from Lieutenant General Mohammad Al-Bassami, Director of Public Security and Chairman of the Hajj Security Committee. The briefing covered the stages of executing Hajj security plans designed to ensure the safety and security of pilgrims and to facilitate their movement within the holy sites.

Additionally, Prince Abdulaziz was introduced to the latest technologies and artificial intelligence applications developed through a collaboration between Public Security and the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA). These technologies play a crucial role in supporting the security and organizational tasks of the Hajj security forces in Makkah and the holy sites. They provide essential data and information, helping to ensure that pilgrims can perform their rituals with ease and comfort.

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