A journey of grief and solace: Hajji Sadiq's return to Makkah

June 17, 2024

Saudi Gazette report

— The irreplaceable and invaluable can be soothed by doses of patience granted by the journey to the holy sanctuary. This is reflected in the words of "Hajji Sadiq," as he shares his sorrow and grief over the loss of his brother, who came to Makkah leaning on his shoulder but returned without him.

Hajji Sadiq recalls their arrival at the Haram to perform Umrah. After completing Tawaf al-Qudum and Sa'i between Safa and Marwa, and once they retired to their hotel bed, his brother felt shortness of breath. Before he could receive a medical evaluation, he passed away.

Though overwhelmed by sorrow, Sadiq feels it was the grace of God that granted his brother the chance to die in the Haram. He cherishes their memory of performing Hajj together and visiting Madinah. Despite the tragedy, his brother's death and burial in the Ma'la cemetery bring him solace. No matter how strong the grief the sanctity of the place offers comfort and dispels the sadness.

Sadiq often dreams of his brother, envisioning him in a happier and better place. He remembers the massive congregation praying for his brother in the Haram and the continuous supplications for him. He vows to take care of his brother’s children and continues to strive to perform Hajj for them, finding solace in this commitment as long as he lives.

Hajji Sadiq returns to Hajj this year to visit his brother's grave in the Ma'la cemetery, located north of the Haram. Each visit to their hotel revives his brother’s memory, and he continues to pray for him during the rituals, doubling his patience to cope with the loss.

While Sadiq's story is remarkable, it is one among thousands across ages, finding in Makkah and its holy sites a balm for wounds and spiritual solace for sorrows. As intended by God, it remains "a place of return for people and a sanctuary" for souls before bodies.

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