Ignorant dawah activists

SOME satellite TV channels try to attract money and media hype. For this, they allow their guests to talk about very sensitive issues without even supporting their statements with any form of proof.

July 20, 2014

Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Shalash

Abdulrahman Al-Shalash


SOME satellite TV channels try to attract money and media hype. For this, they allow their guests to talk about very sensitive issues without even supporting their statements with any form of proof.

A dawah activist (religious propagator) appeared last week on Rotana and made several defamatory statements. He said 100 percent of medical professionals are involved in harassment.

Only a fool makes such sweeping generalizations. There are thousands of healthcare professionals in our country. It is idiotic to accuse this large number of people of harassment.

The health sector is, like any other sector, subject to changes and development. It is possible for some harassment cases to take place, but not on this level as the activist claims. Even simple-minded and naïve people would not believe such words.

The dawah activist achieved what he wanted, which was fame, even if his achievement was at the expense of the healthcare professionals’ reputation. These professionals take care of patients, spend long hours outside home at work, and exert great efforts to serve patients. The least the Ministry of Health should do is to take a decisive position on these accusations.

Some male and female doctors have started taking legal action against the activist. This is not enough, however.

It is the ministry that should act now and bring a lawsuit against this person. He should be given two options: either to provide proof for his words or face the music for his irresponsible statements.

This activist — there are many like him by the way — views things upside down. He and his cohorts always call upon people to avoid intermingling with women for fear that any form of touching takes place.

What do they take people for? Do they think that people are like animals — they do not have brains? Or do they think that people who work in a mixed work environment cannot control their sexual desires?

That is why such activists always call for separating men and women in mixed environments for fear that the unexpected and the prohibited might happen. Mixed settings are everywhere, even in the two holy mosques. Satellite channels should not host guests with this type of mentality.


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