Welcome to a refreshed print edition of Saudi Gazette!

This one’s been coming for quite some time now, dear readers, and we’re proud to launch the latest look of Saudi Gazette today.

September 22, 2014
Welcome to a refreshed print edition of Saudi Gazette!
Welcome to a refreshed print edition of Saudi Gazette!

Somayya Jabarti

This one’s been coming for quite some time now, dear readers, and we’re proud to launch the latest look of Saudi Gazette today. It could not have come at a better time than this day as Saudi Arabia celebrates its 84th year of existence.

Along with our commitment to the core values of journalism, responding to the changing interests, inclinations and expectations of a growingly diverse audience — an increasing proportion of them young women and men — is equally paramount.

The spare and serene approach seen and felt in our refined pages are in fact, in tandem with the valuable feedback received from all of you, readers and advertisers alike.

Your constant support, responsiveness and loyalty to Saudi Gazette, for which we extend our heartfelt appreciation, has made this success possible. And while it may seem like everything has changed, rest assured that your favorite writers, features and columns are still here — they just look better.

This marks the start of other modifications to be phased in over the weeks and months ahead — and we definitely want your feedback along the way.

A special thanks to my teammates to whom I am deeply indebted to for the extra time and combined effort.

I am certain that our team will continue to reach new heights of professional excellence and achievements due to all the hard work each of you put in every single day.

The conclusion, for now?

Bettering Saudi Gazette is our continuing mission.

This is just the beginning. Thanks for coming along for the ride!

Somayya Jabarti


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