71 - 80 from 772 .
In "Opinion / Editorial"
August 09, 2019
A corrosive soup of inaccuracy
August 08, 2019
Yet more blood flows during Afghan peace talks
August 07, 2019
Sri Lanka’s Muslims
August 06, 2019
A dangerous blunder
August 02, 2019
Turkey plays with fire in Libya
August 01, 2019
Stealing from a beggar
SO far this year, which is only half gone, almost 8,500 people have been killed and nearly 17,000 injured injured in one of the world’s least acknowledged wars. Among the dead have been more than 2,000 children. If this were virtually any other country, there would be an international outcry and a demand that something be done to stop the carnage. But this butchery is the United States of America and it has happened thanks to one of the basics of the US Constitution.Under the Second Amendment passed on Dec. 15, 1791, all American citizens were guaranteed the right to bear arms. Ever since, that entitlement has been jealously defended, not least by US gunmakers and their powerful lobbying group, the National Rifle Association (NRA). But these shocking casualty figures, which include no...
July 31, 2019
US gun madness
July 29, 2019
Nigeria: The slaughter continues
SEXTILLION (that is 20 zeroes) is not a number encountered frequently. But ten years ago, for 16 million Zimbabweans, sextillions, in fact almost 90 sextillions was the rate of runaway hyperinflation that destroyed the local currency along with the lives of any who were not within the magic circle of the despotic ruler, Robert Mugabe.The short-term fix, which gave Mugabe a few more years in plundering power, was to adopt the US dollar. Almost overnight, a measure of stability returned with all-important confidence in the value of money and a steadying in the price of goods and services. Unfortunately for ordinary Zimbabweans, despite yet more promises from the flawed dictator, who kept suitcases stuffed with millions in foreign currency concealed around his various luxurious homes, there...
July 26, 2019
Zimbabwe — tragedy waiting to reoccur
July 24, 2019
Britain’s ebullient new premier