‪Effat University, QS seminar on female leadership‬

‪Effat University, QS seminar on female leadership‬

February 22, 2016
‪Effat University‬
‪Effat University‬

‪MILAN — Effat University co-organized with Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) a three-day seminar here on Feb. 1-3, 2016, with the title “Advancing Female Leadership Through Higher Education”.‬

‪Due to the importance of the seminar to officials in higher education, and to their international mission of developing female leadership capacities in their communities, representatives of the diplomatic corps and international educational and business organizations; and delegates and panelists from around the world supporting this goal attended the event. ‬

‪The seminar began with welcoming remarks by Princess Loulowa Al-Faisal, Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees and the General Supervisor of Effat University, followed a welcoming speech by Dr. Raed Bin Khalid Krimly, Saudi Ambassador to Italy. ‬

‪The welcoming remarks and speeches gave the attendees a clear idea about the efforts made by Saudi Arabia in advancing female education with a focus on equipping them with leadership skills to excel in the labor market in the last few decades.  ‬

‪Among the attendees were also the Saudi Cultural Attache’ Prof. Fahad Al Maglouth and Zouhaier Zouari from the Mission of the Arab League in Rome in addition to members from Effat University Board of Trustees and Honorary Advisory Board. ‬

‎‪‏The program of the seminar also included the special ‬performance
‎“Head Over Heels in Saudi Arabia” which is produced, directed, and acted by Dr Maisah Al-Subaihi from Saudi Arabia. The performance, which was applauded by the audience, was intended to give the view of the performer of some of the important cultural issues that interest Saudi females currently.‬

‪Princess Loulowah Al-Faisal, said about the forum: “With this event, QS and Effat University are emphasizing the importance of women’s education in nurturing their full potential and empowerment, which will have a powerful multiplier effect on sustainable development, not only on their societies, but on the whole world at large”. ‬

‪The main goals of the seminar are to exchange experiences in promoting the empowerment of women; define a conceptual framework for female leadership in higher education; devise educational programs that develop self-confidence in women and raises their self-awareness; and propose policies that make women’s participation in society more effective. Dr Haifa Reda Jamal Al-Lail, President of Effat University, said: “The sharing of experiences and inputs of our speakers and participants from different parts of the world had certainly added to our knowledge of the role of higher education in advancing and influencing women leadership”.‬

‪Dr Haifa, also added about choosing Milan for the Forum: “Milan is well recognized for its multiplicity of ethnicities and cultures, and brought in an audience with diverse socio-cultural backgrounds, which in turn will contribute to the dissemination and promotion of diverse ideas on women’s education and encourage academics to critically reflect on their empowerment”. ‬It is worth mentioning that QS in Conversation Seminar was attended by delegations from different countries around the world such as Saudi Arabia, Australia, Bahrain, Egypt, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Spain, UK, and USA. ‬

‪Mandy Mok, Managing Director of QS Asia , stated: “Organizing QS in conversation in Europe has enabled us to reach a much wider and more diverse audience. And we would not be here in Milan if it wasn't for Effat University, and its visionary president, Dr Haifa Jamal Al-Lail, who steadfastly supported us in organizing the event”.‬

‪Dr Eman Mohamed, Dean of Quality Assurance at Effat University, mentioned: “the participant’s profiles varied and included presidents, vice chancellors, senior administrators and academics as well as administrators who are involved in academic quality assurance internationally. The event was successful and we are looking forward to more successful events in the future”.

February 22, 2016