
China urges stable US climate policies

September 07, 2024

BEIJING — Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Friday underscored the importance of stable US climate policies and enhanced cooperation between the two countries, according to a statement from the Foreign Ministry.

Wang highlighted recent progress in bilateral climate discussions during a meeting with John Podesta, senior advisor to US President Joe Biden on international climate policy.

"Since the beginning of this year, the climate change teams of both sides have communicated closely and reached a series of pragmatic cooperation results," Wang noted.

He called on the US to "maintain policy stability" and avoid "protectionism and pan-securitization" when addressing global challenges.

Wang emphasized that climate cooperation is "an integral part of the US-China relationship" and that dialogue is essential to implement the consensus reached at the San Francisco summit between the leaders of both nations.

Podesta echoed Wang's views, stating that climate change cooperation is a key component of US-China relations and broader global multilateral efforts.

Wang reaffirmed China's commitment to green, low-carbon development, stressing that Beijing will "certainly implement the policies it has formulated and realize the goals it has set" in tackling climate change. — Agencies

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